Doggy Day Care Cedarburg WI Dolly

Cedarburg Pet Sitting Pooch Loves Autumglo
This is one of our Cedarburg doggy day care pups, Dolly. Dolly loves coming to Autumglo to visit our Cedarburg area pet sitters and play with other local doggies. She is always a bundle of energy, enthusiasm and joy. Dolly visits our Cedarburg area pet boarding facilities a few times a week when her “mom” attends her master’s degree classes. She is so excited every time she comes and always exhausted every time he leaves.
Whether you’re in the midst of tough back-to-school courses or you’re hustling in the corporate world (or maybe both!), don’t leave your best friend at home. Let our pet sitters give him the very best. Let your pup play with other local doggies in a fun, safe, clean and supervised pet day care program. We know it’s lonely when you’re not around, so why not let your pet have some fun when you can’t be there? Just drop him off before work and scoop him up after. We’ll take care of the rest.